Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Eli in the doorway to our bedroom: this place has 1.5 baths and 3 rooms that we don´t even use! Its a mansion, but we´re trying to get the school to move us to a cheaper place (that hopefully has a view of the water!)
This is from way back when at our host families house near Maputo. I was grinding up peanuts (or maybe corn) for dinner. Thats my host mother beside me, and our host father sitting down behind me. The room behind all of us was actually Eli and my bedroom (seperate from the main house). We don´t own one of these giant grinders yet- we have to borrow our neighbors- but you can make really good peanut sauces with them, so I want to get one. Eli´s been holding out because they´re expensive (about $4).
Eli and I at the top of Nacala
Here´s the inside of one of the classrooms- they´re all exactly identicle. There´s no glass in the windows here, and sometimes the students are sitting 3 to a desk (at least they are in my 11th grade class). But the rooms aren´t really bad, and the lack of glass gives a nice breeze.
Eli outside of the school- there are 3 rows of class rooms like this one, and one row of admin. buildings.
Well, those are the pictures! We´ve also been doing a lot of teaching, which has been good. I´ve had some rough classes (prepared for the wrong one!) and today I had some really good classes, so it was fun. Eli´s been doing really well, her classes are good and the other teachers are really impressed with her lesson plans.
We´ve also met our neighbors, who are really very nice, and interested in learning english. We´ve been giving english lessons to our neighbors kids in exchange for Indian food (WOW) and water.
The only bad news is that our cat got out (ok, we let him out) because he starts making horrible noises at night when other cats are near our house. The sound will drive you crazy and woke up our neighbors, so we figured we had to do something to shut him up. Once he got out he got into a cat fight, which he lost, so he spent the last few days licking his wounds in the house. He´s making a good recovery, and we´re now keeping him away from windows at night, although he still likes to attack the mirror.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!