Friday, May 05, 2006


Something is seriously wrong

with our cat. He just stole a half eaten squash from the kitchen table and growled when I took it away from him. (It was cooked in the oven with butter and sugar... later I gave him the remains and he sat there happily eating it). What is wrong with this animal?

Eli and I have had a pretty tiring week. We just set up 2 more computers at school- and just the sheer volume of teacher questions are keeping us busy. Apparently we will have wireless internet access in all of Nacala in a very short time- however at $80 a month! The school is thinking of getting internet for at least one computer, which would be very nice- and might increase the number of times we can update the blog!

Today we went to Nacala-a-Velha, which is a little village on the other side of the bay. It was the original town and tiny port here, before the portuguese decided to build a whole new city where present day Nacala is (apparently the whole city was built in just a few short years, then the Portuguese were forced to flee). The trip was fun because we took a sailboat, or dhow, over. This is a sailboat where you can still tell what peice of the tree the timbers came from. The trip itself is maybe the best part- just because the bay is really spectacular.
The city of Nacala-a-Velha is small, nearly empty, hot and dry. We wandered around for a little while, but there really wasn´t much to see. We tried finding the secondary school but turned back because of the sun.
Just before leaving we met the cheif of police (which worried us, because we had both forgotten our papers at home, and you´re always supposed to carry ID). He turned out to be really friendly, and offered us a guide to show us around the city. Since we were just leaving, he gave us his cell phone number and said if we ever want to come back and needed anything we could ask him. So that was nice, and since there are some good beaches in the area (and birds, but Eli laughs at that) we might return.

However, we both got a lot of sun, so I think we might take a break from traveling by boat for a while. On the up side, we both look a lot tanner right now (granted it´s a farmers tan).

Hope all´s well. My inbox has been empty for a very long time so I assume everyone must be extremely busy back home. Take care,


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