Monday, August 28, 2006


Happy Birthday (almost!) to me

Hi! Im on my way back from the regional meeting in Chimoio and staying the night tonight in Beira (sorry about the lack of apostrophes, this is a chinese keyboard, dont ask why). Eli just found out that her dentist appointment has been delayed until Thursday! She is going to be stuck in Maputo for a few days with nothing to do (except go out to nice restaurants and see movies I guess...) and she wont be with me on my birthday tomorrow!

Anyways, the regional meeting went really well for me, Im not sure how it was for Eli because I have her cell phone with me and it doesnt work to talk, only for sending messages. But I did hear it was cold and rainy down there! Its sad because they were at a nice place on the beach. It was also cold and rainy for me here in Chimoio, which is pretty bad too because its getting hot in Nacala and I didnt bring ANY cold weather clothes.

No other big news except that I turn 23 tomorrow and nobody will be able to call me since Eli has the phone! For my birthday I will be giving the kibby some cat toys and a new flea coller, but there wont be a party or anything. Hope alls well,


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