Monday, September 11, 2006
Home Sweet Home

Here are some pix of nacala: The bairros (or: where most everyone lives) and the beach!
The other day we went to the beach with our missionary friends. They were house sitting in a place by the beach- it has an amazing view of the Bay! We went snorkeling and saw a little coral garden with some interesting fish. I didn´t get a great view because it was so deep that I could barely make it down before I had to come straight back up (bad timing with the tide, added a couple of meters of depth). There were lots of jellyfish, but the kind that don´t sting. We´ve gotten a little more used to them, so now its fun to poke them with your finer and push them around the water. It´s strange what you can get used to.
From the shore we saw a pod of humpback whales (the Bay is really DEEP!) We saw one slapping the water with his tail, others were blowing water out their blow holes, or just swimming. It was pretty cool.
By the way, we are planning on comming back to the USA for the holidays! We don´t have exact dates, but I think we´ll come back in mid November, and maybe leave right after New Years.