Friday, November 24, 2006


Turkey Day in NYC

Eli and I are approaching the end of our stay in the US! For almost 2 weeks Eli had been in Brooklyn with her sister, and I joined them the 20th. We just had a fun Thanksgiving dinner with Rory and Aitors friends. Even little Eli Saioa had a friend for dinner. We´ve spent the last few days doing tourism in New York- which is an amazing city! So far we´ve gone to the MET, the Meusem of Natural History, and to the top of the Rockafeller Center. Today we´re going to try walking the Brooklyn Bridge and then walking around the financial district (Wall Street).
Here´s our schedule for the next few weeks:

Nov. 27th- An 18 hour flight back to Johannesburg, SA!
Nov. 28th- We arrive in South Africa, and instead of taking our flight to Maputo, we stay in a bed and breakfast in Jo´burg
Nov. 29th- We start our six day safari in Kruger park!
December 4th- Hotel in Nelspruit
December 5th- Attempt to cross the border into Moz. with expired Visas, stay the night in Maputo
December 6th- We meet our new school director and attend the Peace Corps directors conference
December 9-10- Trainees become volunteers, have a party, then we all go to our new sites!
Eli and I will probobly have a lot less internet time at our new site, sorry everyone.

Here is
Eli and me on top of the Rockafeller Center

Hope everyone is doing well, and sorry to those of you that we weren´t able to see! I guess you´ll have to come visit us in Mozambique then....

Paul and Eli

New York looks nice. I suppose I will have to go there some day :) I am sorry I couldnt see you but, I am sure that somehow in the next year or so I will bump into you guys somehow!
p.s. Paul, you were spot on about the meat...
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