Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Some pix

Here are some pix from the last few weeks:

Here are girls from our school group helping Eli put on her capulana. All the girls bought matching capulanas, and they wore them on April 7th, Mozambican womens' day

Here's the students from our school group marching through town on the 7th, girls in front with matching capulanas and white shirts, boys in back in red shirts. They sang all the way through the middle of town (they even made up songs about us!)

Later in the day the girls had a snack, they invited the important women of the town including the hospital director and the distrect director of education. Here they are carrying a crate of pop and other stuff to the 'lanche' (snack).

Hi Paul and Eli. Paul, I'm glad to see you are taking good care of your shoes (@ the Zambezi river crossing. I just had mine re-soled and I don't like the new soles. Chaco did a great job on these shoes - but they don't make them any more. They were too expensive and not selling well. So, I may try to find out if I can get the original Chaco sole on my boot. It is much softer - but it will wear out faster as a result.

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